I have a weird relationship with spiders. I actually like them but they scare the shit out of me. I was sitting on the settee the other day and a friend pointed at me. I looked down and there was a spider running across my top. I jumped up screaming and brushing myself down vigorously. Poor spider was probably more scared than I was. After all, size wise, they are tiny compared to humans. I won't deliberately harm a spider. I feel horrified if I accidentally hoover one up. I can't imagine a worse death that suffocating in a bag of human skill cells and other debris. Since moving to Somerset I have never seen so many spiders. In every corner of every room there is a spiders web. I could clean them away but what if its a spiders home? Imagine coming home from work to find your house reduced to a pile of rubble. There is a spiders web currently above my bed and a week ago there was 3 spiders inhabiting it. I had this image of them a...
I am not a great fan of internet dating............. but it appears to be a common way to met someone these days and, finding myself still not so young and single, I decided that I didn't have much to lose. Or did I? I signed up to one of the popular dating sites, one I had used before, with little success. This time around what I discovered is that being that much older I get far less views and emails and the one's I do get are from people who seemed to be clutching at straws. People who do not meet my criteria at all, regarding age, common interest or location. In the past if not interested I would politely reply and just explain that I did not think we were a good match. I thought it was the best thing to do, as I knew myself how it felt when you had taken the time to contact someone only to get no response. I stopped doing that when on one occasion I received an an abusive email back, from someone who was obviously not used to rejection Hence now if I am not int...